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2221 Gates Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32312


Executive Director, Sherry Schofield, Ph

ITAA Strategic Plan for 2022 to 2025

Approved by ITAA Council, May 13, 2022

Explanation of Core Ideology

Core ideology clarifies what doesn’t change for an organization in an environment of rapid and unpredictable change. The core ideology consists of Core Purpose, Core Values and Mission.

  • Core Purpose is a concise statement of the organization’s reason for being.
  • Core Values are essential and enduring beliefs of the organization – a small set of timeless guiding principles.
  • Mission is a statement of who we are, what we do, and at a high level how we do it.

Core Purpose Statement

ITAA advances and advocates for scholars in the textile and apparel disciplines.

Core Values Statement

We value:
Integrity: Demonstrated by the highest professional and ethical standards, honesty and trust
Collaboration: Demonstrated by openness to viewpoints, ideas and consensus building
Community: Demonstrated by serving the profession with a vision that embraces diversity, equity and inclusion
Innovation: Demonstrated by exploring new opportunities and embracing risk
Leadership: Demonstrated by visionary and proactive leadership that advances the profession

Mission Statement

Advocate for and advance the textile and apparel fields through innovative and inclusive research, education, and resources.

Primary Key Drivers of Change

  • Demographics – new generation of students and faculty will impact how we teach and provide value to members
  • Economic Climate – Post pandemic, higher economic vulnerability and socio-economic divisions may widen
  • Legislation & Regulation - increased legislative activity, different local requirements and standards
  • Politics & Social Values – more consumers will view the consumption, use, and disposal of goods as an area of personal social responsibility
  • Technology - rapidly emerging technologies will change how apparel and textile educators work

Explanation of an Envisioned Future Statement

An Envisioned Future Statement vividly describes the relevant world ten years from now. It explains how the world is different due to what the association has done, for whom, and their benefit. It states the beneficiary explicitly and uses an active and present tense verb.  The following statement describes what ITAA aspires to achieve for members and stakeholders.

ITAA is recognized as the premier association for textile and apparel educators through its innovative and inclusive resources, strong diverse community, and collaborative efforts. University faculty and students depend on ITAA to provide leadership and excellence in education and scholarship.

Explanation of Goals

The following goals describe the outcomes the ITAA will achieve for its stakeholders (members, customers, the organization itself, etc.) in a specific area of focus or business line. They are defined for a five-year timeframe and reviewed every year by the Council. The achievement of each goal will
move ITAA towards the realization of its Envisioned Future.

Develop a diversified and sustainable revenue structure to support ITAA’s vision.

Members - Faculty
Provide resources and opportunities for leadership, networking, professional development, research dissemination, mentorship, community building, continual shaping of the discipline, and recognition of achievements.

Members – Graduate Students
Provide resources and opportunities for leadership, networking, professional development, research dissemination, mentorship, community building, and recognition of achievements.

Members – Undergraduate Students
Provide opportunities for networking, mentoring, accessing ITAA resources, education, and scholarships.

ITAA works with faculty to help develop a highly-skilled workforce of forward-thinking professionals well versed in industry developments and technology. ITAA partners with key stakeholders to provide research-based solutions to industry challenges.

ITAA Goal Statement

Develop a diversified and sustainable revenue structure to support ITAA’s vision.

Explanation of Objectives
Describe what we want to have happen with an issue. What would constitute success in observable or measurable terms? Indicates a direction: increase, decrease, all, none, more, reduce, consolidate, abandon, more, less, fewer, etc., Three-to-five-year timeframe reviewed every year by Council.

ITAA Objectives:

  • Review purpose and measure value of all programs/services and adjust fees where necessary
  • Develop new professional development opportunities that are measurable, deliver value, and drive revenue
  • Create and launch a sponsorship program that increases revenue

Explanation of Strategies
Strategies are how ITAA’s resources will be spent to achieve the goals and related objectives. Strategies are prioritized by the timing, sequence and window of opportunity using the following categories for prioritization:
     Critical: work on this strategy must be completed in the coming year
 Immediate: work on this strategy must occur in the coming year
Intermediate: work on this strategy should occur in the coming year if possible.
Later: work on this strategy can wait until the subsequent year if necessary.

ITAA Strategies

  • Build internal operational capacity to develop new programs that increase and diversify revenue streams.  Setting Priority-Critical
  • Review all membership categories and determine where benefits need to be adjusted.  Setting Priority-Critical
  • Review membership fees and set a proposed schedule for future adjustments.  Setting Priority-Critical
  • Review all program/service fees and adjust accordingly.  Setting Priority-Critical
  • Create a sponsorship program with defined value to ensure ongoing commitment.  Setting Priority-Immediate
  • Invest in developing new professional development opportunities and content for specific audiences.  Setting Priority – Immediate
  • Research and develop new revenue streams.  Setting Priority – Immediate

Members - Faculty Goal Statement

Provide resources and opportunities for leadership, networking, professional development, research dissemination, mentorship, community building, continual shaping of the discipline, and recognition of achievements.

Explanation of Objectives
Describe what we want to have happen with an issue. What would constitute success in observable or measurable terms? Indicates a direction: increase, decrease, all, none, more, reduce, consolidate, abandon, more, less, fewer, etc., Three-to-five-year timeframe reviewed every year by Council.

Members - Faculty objectives
Increase Faculty members and prospective Faculty members ability to connect in person and virtually
Increase and clarify the value proposition for Faculty members

Explanation of Strategies
Strategies are how ITAA’s resources will be spent to achieve the goals and related objectives. Strategies are prioritized by the timing, sequence and window of opportunity using the following categories for prioritization:
   Critical: work on this strategy must be completed in the coming year
 Immediate: work on this strategy must occur in the coming year
Intermediate: work on this strategy should occur in the coming year if possible.
Later: work on this strategy can wait until the subsequent year if necessary.

Members - Faculty Strategies

  • Create and communicate a clear value proposition to members and prospects.  Setting Priority-Critical
  • Create a content strategy that improves value and increases revenue.  Setting Priority-Critical
  • Develop a social media strategy to engage faculty and other stakeholders.  Setting Priority-Immediate
  • Create and pilot Special Interest Groups to support different audiences and regions.  Setting Priority – Immediate

Graduate Students Goal Statement

Provide resources and opportunities for leadership, networking, professional development, research dissemination, mentorship, community building, and recognition of achievements.

Explanation of Objectives
Describe what we want to have happen with an issue. What would constitute success in observable or measurable terms? Indicates a direction: increase, decrease, all, none, more, reduce, consolidate, abandon, more, less, fewer, etc., Three-to-five-year timeframe reviewed every year by Council.

Graduate Students Objectives
Increase professional development and networking opportunities for degrees, jobs, research and teaching by:

  • Developing professional identities within the disciplines
  • Providing access to industry trends in research, teaching and professions
  • Providing guidance to support success within academic pathways
  • Increasing leadership opportunities within professions and ITAA

Explanation of Strategies
Strategies are how ITAA’s resources will be spent to achieve the goals and related objectives. Strategies are
prioritized by the timing, sequence and window of opportunity using the following categories for

  Critical: work on this strategy must be completed in the coming year
 Immediate: work on this strategy must occur in the coming year
Intermediate: work on this strategy should occur in the coming year if possible.
Later: work on this strategy can wait until the subsequent year if necessary.

Graduate Students Strategies

  • Review all graduate specific opportunities and determine where to alter, modify, stop, expand, or maintain.  Setting Priority - Immediate
  • Redefine the role/purposes of social media for the ITAA versus private grad student groups.  Setting Priority – Immediate
  • Develop graduate specific professional development programs.  Setting Priority – Intermediate

Members – Undergraduate Students Goal Statement

Provide opportunities for networking, mentoring, accessing ITAA resources, education, and scholarships.

Explanation of Objectives
Describe what we want to have happen with an issue. What would constitute success in observable or measurable terms? Indicates a direction: increase, decrease, all, none, more, reduce, consolidate, abandon, more, less, fewer, etc., Three-to-five-year timeframe reviewed every year by Council.

Members – Undergraduate Students Objectives

  • Develop compelling messages about how research and scholarship opportunities help Undergraduate Student careers
  • Increase the number of Undergraduate Student members
  • Increase Undergraduate Student participation in programs and services

Explanation of Strategies
Strategies are how ITAA’s resources will be spent to achieve the goals and related objectives. Strategies are prioritized by the timing, sequence and window of opportunity using the following categories for prioritization:
  Critical: work on this strategy must be completed in the coming year
 Immediate: work on this strategy must occur in the coming year
Intermediate: work on this strategy should occur in the coming year if possible.
Later: work on this strategy can wait until the subsequent year if necessary.

Members – Undergraduate Students Strategies

  • Create a plan that defines ITAA’s value to Undergraduates (e.g., facilitate their growth as scholars or future industry professionals).  Setting Priority-Later
  • Define the role of faculty mentorship of Undergraduates and determine how ITAA will recognize them for sponsoring Undergraduates.  Setting Priority – Later
  • Increase undergraduate student support by providing faculty mentoring guidelines for non-design students.  Setting Priority - Later

Industry Goal Statement

ITAA works with faculty to help develop a highly-skilled workforce of forward-thinking professionals well versed in industry developments and technology. ITAA partners with key stakeholders to provide research-based solutions to industry challenges.

Explanation of Objectives
Describe what we want to have happen with an issue. What would constitute success in observable or measurable terms? Indicates a direction: increase, decrease, all, none, more, reduce, consolidate, abandon, more, less, fewer, etc., Three-to-five-year timeframe reviewed every year by Council.

Industry Objectives

  • Increase ITAA’s visibility with faculty, their employers and industry through various initiatives.
  • Create opportunities for industry leaders and academic scholars to connect and collaborate.

Explanation of Strategies
Strategies are how ITAA’s resources will be spent to achieve the goals and related objectives. Strategies are prioritized by the timing, sequence and window of opportunity using the following categories for prioritization:
  Critical: work on this strategy must be completed in the coming year
 Immediate: work on this strategy must occur in the coming year
Intermediate: work on this strategy should occur in the coming year if possible.
Later: work on this strategy can wait until the subsequent year if necessary.

Industry Strategies

  • Develop a process to work with industry leaders and academia to identify trends, challenges and opportunities impacting the textile and apparel sector.  Setting Priority-Critical
  • Establish relationships and partnerships with industry trade associations.  Setting Priority-Intermediate
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