2221 Gates Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32312
Executive Director, Sherry Schofield, Ph
Submit your proposal through the Salon Session Proposal Form below by February 1
Call for Proposals for 2025: ITAA Salon Sessions
Brief History
At the 2013 ITAA conference, the Philosophical Missions Committee piloted a new, interdisciplinary approach to member‐led conference sessions organized around a particular topic, which we are calling “Salon Sessions” (previously known as Seminar Sessions). The pilot was well‐received, and then Seminars were organized at the 2014 (Sexuality and Fashion), 2015 (Fiber and Place), 2016 (Best Practices for Online Teaching in Textiles and Apparel Education), and 2017 (Social Justice and Luxury of Fashion) meetings.
The intent of the Salons is to allow association members to self‐organize a session which may cross disciplinary and methodological (e.g., textile science, social/cultural, historical, design, consumer behavior) boundaries in the field, and is organized around a specific topic. Organizers are encouraged to customize the submission format, review process, and dissemination of results in a manner appropriate to the focus and objectives of the session. This is the call to try out innovative formats that are not already available in ITAA. It's a space to push traditional boundaries of dissemination.
ITAA members will have the opportunity to propose Salons, which will take place as part of the conference program. Salons are stand‐alone sessions, organized by one or more proposing organizers, which follow a structure prescribed by the organizer(s).
Salon Session: Proposal
Each Salon proposal should be no longer than 2 pages, single‐spaced. It should describe, in as much detail as possible:
Salon Session: Call for Submissions
In addition to the "Salon Session: Proposal" described above, organizers should submit a 1 to 2 page "Call for Submissions" for the proposed Salon. This call should outline much of the information described above but should be aimed at informing potential participants about the focus, structure, and timeline of participation. It should specify that all accepted participants must register for and attend the ITAA conference, and that submissions to the Salon Session may not also be under consideration for the main ITAA conference. Be sure to include the due dates for the call.
Timeline and Structure
The Philosophical Missions Committee will complete a blind review of all Salon Session Proposals and Call for Submissions and select no more than two for inclusion in the conference. The committee aims for diversity in approach for these two Seminars, in order to broadly explore the potential for the format. Proposals will be evaluated based on their innovation, feasibility, perceived interest and relevance to the ITAA community, and the level of preparedness articulated in the proposal. Salons will be limited to a standard concurrent session time slot (up to 75 minutes) and will be held in one of the available breakout rooms. Salon development must follow this schedule: