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2221 Gates Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32312


Executive Director, Sherry Schofield, Ph

Graduate Student Fellowships

The International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) offers a variety of graduate student fellowships that have been supported by members of the organization. These fellowships provide essential financial support for students pursuing advanced degrees in textile and apparel studies. By contributing to these funds, former members of ITAA help to empower the next generation of scholars and professionals in the industry. These fellowships not only alleviate the financial burden of graduate education but also encourage research, innovation, and leadership in textile and apparel disciplines. Through these initiatives, ITAA fosters a strong academic community and supports the ongoing growth and development of students in the discipline.

Click on individual award links below to see the description, criteria, and submission procedure for that award.

July 1 Submission Deadline   (submission site opens May 15th) -  Download Graduate Fellowship Application Form      

Submit application materials through Oxford Abstracts using this specific link:


Kitty Dickerson Fellowship for Future Professionals: Masters and Doctoral Students; One Master’s and one Doctoral Student at $500 per Student for Travel Support to the ITAA Annual Conference

Lois Dickey Fellowship: Outstanding Continuing Doctoral Student Award; $1,000 for One Outstanding Continuing Doctoral Student

Sara Douglas Fellowship for Professional Promise - Masters and Doctoral Students; Two Masters and Two Doctoral Students at $500 per Student for Travel Support to the ITAA Annual Conference

Oris Glisson Fellowship: Outstanding Beginning Masters Student Award; $1,000 for One Outstanding Beginning Masters Student

Robert C. Hillestad Fellowship: Outstanding Graduate Student in the Study of Historic Textiles or Costume Award; $3,000 for up to Three Outstanding Graduate Students in the Study of Historic Textiles or Costume; Sustainable, Universal or Functional Design

Marjorie Joseph Fellowship: Outstanding Beginning Doctoral Student Award; $1,000 for One Outstanding Beginning Doctoral Student

Joan M. Laughlin Fellowship: Outstanding Continuing Doctoral Student Award; $1,000 for One Outstanding Continuing Doctoral Student

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