2221 Gates Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32312
Executive Director, Sherry Schofield, Ph
ITAA supports scholarship dissemination on topics related to textiles and apparel through the production of our peer reviewed journal, newsletters, proceedings of our annual meeting, and monographs. Many ITAA members are also authors of textbooks and scholarly books. ITAA advances its core principles of: Discovery, Dissemination, Application, and Leadership through, among other things, its publications program. With a major journal, proceedings, design catalog, special issues, and media reviews, ITAA is positioned to provide scholars several avenues to publish their work.
Clothing and Textiles Research Journal is the official publication of the International Textile & Apparel Association, Inc. Submissions undergo a double blind, peer review process using Sage Publications' Manuscript Central. The ITAA is a professional, educational association composed of scholars, educators, and students in the textile, apparel, and merchandising disciplines in higher education.
You must be logged in as a current member to access CTRJ.
ITAA publishes a newsletter bi-monthly. The newsletter provides members with information on policy updates, upcoming conferences, position announcements, calls, ITAA budgets/finances, and media review.
Important Notice: Please be aware that any links included in newsletters prior to 2025 may no longer work due to changes in our website. If you need to locate a specific document or information, kindly reach out to the Executive Director for assistance.
CTRJ publishes Monographs and Special Issues related to a variety of topics. If you are interested in proposing a special issue or monograph, please contact VP of Publications.
See Guidelines for Special Topics.
ITAA Conference Proceedings are available online through
Iowa State University Library Digital Collections and
Iowa State Digital Press. Every attempt has been made to retrieve proceedings from past years. If yours is missing from the live links, please contact Executive Director for information on how to proceed.