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2221 Gates Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32312


Executive Director, Sherry Schofield, Ph


Click on the Position Title below to take you directly to that section.  To volunteer for a committee, find the link at the bottom of the page.


The President serves a one-year term of office after having served the previous year as President-Elect and serves as Counselor the following year. The President gives general supervision and leadership to organizational policies and programs. The President sets priorities based on the strategic plan. The President presides over the annual meeting and all meetings of the Council and Board. The President serves as a member of the Finance Committee, Nominating Committee, and ex-officio member on all other ITAA committees.


The President-Elect prepares an annual program of work. The President-elect is the liaison with chairs the External Relations Committee, and Corporate Partnerships Committee.

External Relations Committee

The External Relations Committee provides input to develop and enhance relationships with external professional organizations, such as KSCT, who have common interests and goals with ITAA. The committee prepares bi-annual reports (for Council review at April and Annual Council Meetings) on the status of committee work.



Corporate Partnership

Corporate Partnerships Committee (CPC) provides input to develop and enhance relationships with corporate entities (both profit and not-for-profit) who have strong potential to offer expertise to ITAA membership as well as gain benefits from ITAA by building partnerships. External Relations Committee is responsible for academic and/or educational organizations, and Corporate Partnerships Committee focuses on non-educational related corporations, business, and not-for-profit organizations. The committee prepares bi-annual reports (for Council review at April and Annual Council Meetings) on the status of committee work.




The Counselor serves a one-year term of office immediately following a term as President. In case of a vacancy in the office of Counselor, the previous past President fills the unexpired term. In the case where that is not possible, the President selects a Counselor from the list of past Presidents to fill the unexpired term in consultation with Council. The counselor provides counsel to the President, Council, and Board. The counselor serves as chair of the Nominating Committee, liaison with the Legacy Group, and is a member of the Council, Board, Bylaws and Finance Committee.

Nominating Committee

Under the direction of the chair, committee members identify, vet and nominate a slate of potential candidates for open ITAA Council positions for the upcoming year.

Chair: Counselor

Members: President; President-Elect; At Large Member; At Large Member

Bylaws Review Committee

A standing committee consisting of the President-Elect, Counselor, VP of Professional Development and one additional member who has served on Council for at least one year and is appointed by the President. The Bylaws are reviewed annually for needed updates. Any changes are presented to Council for consideration and membership for vote. The Counselor chairs this committee.

Chair: Counselor

Members: President-Elect; VP of Professional Development; One additional previous Council member appointed by President


The Secretary serves a three-year term, with election to take place consistent with a rotation schedule established by the Council. The Secretary serves one term. Current or former members of the ITAA Board or the ITAA Council are eligible for the office of Secretary. The Secretary’s primary duty is to record and distribute minutes of the Council and Board business. The incoming secretary will be mentored by the Executive Director.


The Treasurer is elected for a three-year term with election to take place consistent with a rotation schedule established by Council. The Treasurer serves one term. Current or former members of the ITAA Board or the ITAA Council are eligible for the office of Treasurer. The Treasurer assumes responsibility for all fiscal matters as directed by Council. The Treasurer also serves as chair of the Finance Committee.

Finance Committee

The Finance Committee consists of the Treasurer (Chair), President, President-elect, Counselor, and the Executive Director (non-voting). The Finance Committee is charged with the responsibility of managing association assets in accordance with each Fund’s purpose and guidelines. The role of the Finance Committee is supervisory. The Finance Committee may delegate to the Executive Director and/or Investment Advisor full authority to make all investment decisions for the assets placed under its jurisdiction, while adhering to general guidelines established by the Finance Committee.

Chair: Treasurer

Members: President; President-Elect; Counselor; Executive Director


The Vice President of Awards is responsible for the majority of ITAA awards. The Vice President of Awards will oversee the awards committees to help ensure no conflict of interest and regular rotations of committee members. The Vice President of Awards prepares a report on the status of all the activities of the committees reporting to this position for the annual and mid-year Council meetings.

Faculty Fellowships and Awards Committee

Provides oversight for the review of nominations/proposals and applications for faculty fellowships and awards sponsored by ITAA. This committee oversees the nomination of the ITAA Fellow, the Distinguished Scholar, Rising Star Award, ITAA Teaching Excellence Award, ITAA Mid-Career Excellence Award, ITAA Service Award, among others. The committee proposes special topic sessions to address emerging issues. The committee prepares bi-annual reports (for Council review at Mid-Year as directed by their VP and Annual Council Meetings) on the status of their plan of work.



Student Fellowships and Awards Committee

Provides oversight for the review of proposals, nominations, and applications for student fellowships and awards sponsored by ITAA. The committee reports to the Vice President of Awards. The committee proposes special topic sessions to address emerging issues. The committee prepares bi-annual reports (for Council review at Mid-Year and Annual Council Meetings) on the status of their plan of work.



Design Scholarship Awards Committee

Provides oversight for the review of student and faculty designs after the first jury has accepted them. This committee reviews the accepted entries for scholarships and awards based on merits of design work. This committee oversees the awards listed on the website at the time the annual design call for entries is published. The committee prepares bi-annual reports (for Council review at Mid-Year and Annual Council Meetings) on the status of their plan of work.



Curatorial Exhibition Scholarship Awards Committee

Provides oversight for the review of curatorial exhibition scholarship after the first jury has accepted them. This committee reviews the accepted entries for scholarships and awards based on merits of curatorial exhibition work. This committee oversees the awards listed on the website at the time the annual curatorial exhibition scholarship call for entries is published. The committee prepares reports upon request of the Vice President of Awards on the status of their plan of work.



International Scholar Award Committee

Provides oversight for the review of proposals, nominations, and applications for international scholar award sponsored by ITAA. The committee reports to the Vice President of Awards. The committee prepares bi-annual reports (for Council review at Mid-Year and Annual Council Meetings) on the status of their plan of work.




The Vice President of Conferences will oversee the Annual Conference Committees for the relevant future years and the Design Exhibition Committee, and will have responsibility for identifying potential sites and committee chairs for future conferences, lending support to assist conference chairs with duties during the annual conference as necessary, facilitate communication between all design committees, identify a member to compile the design catalog, and send out/compile conference review evaluations. The Vice President of Conferences prepares a report on the status of all the activities of the committees reporting to this position for the annual and mid-year Council meetings.

Design Exhibition Committee

Responsible for the exhibition of all design work accepted for dissemination at the annual ITAA conference. A plan for exhibition, based on the provided budget, is presented to the Vice President of Conferences and the Annual Conference chair(s) by the June Council meeting or upon request. This committee prepares bi-annual reports (for Council review at Mid-Year and Annual Council Meetings) on the status of the committee work.



Design Catalog Editor

In 2011, ITAA Council elected to have a digital version of the Design Catalog. The Design Catalog Editor is responsible for the content, cover design, and page layout for the annual Design Catalog. The Design Catalog Editor also files for the ISBN of the catalog and helps distribute the catalog to affiliated university libraries (if hard copy is created). The final catalog is turned into a PDF and is made available on under “Publications”.



Annual Conference Co-Chairs Committee

Appointed two years in advance of the meeting for which they have responsibility. The three annual conference co-chairs (current, next, and planning years) serve as members of the Board, each serving two years prior to and in the year of the annual meeting they are coordinating. The Annual Meeting Co-Chairs for the upcoming conference serves as the chair at the current committee meeting. Co-Chairs are responsible for implementing the program and local arrangements, and report to the Vice President of Conferences. Annual Conference Co-Chairs (Years 1, 2, and 3) serve on the Annual Conference Co-Chairs Committee. This committee prepares bi-annual reports (for Council review at Mid-Year and Annual Council Meetings) on the status of the committee work.

2025: RayeCarol Cavender and Laurie Apple

2026: Meredith McQuerry and Amanda (Amy) Thompson



The Vice President of Education is responsible for providing leadership for the curricular development and review, graduate education standards, teaching innovation and resources, unity, and philosophical mission committees and serves as the mentor for the graduate student liaison.

Undergraduate Curricular Development and Review Committee

Provides intellectual leadership for curricular development in textiles, apparel and merchandising programs, as well as processes enabling assessment of student learning outcomes. The committee reports to the Vice President of Education. The committee proposes special topic sessions, workshops, and newsletter articles to address emerging issues related to competencies and assessment. The committee prepares bi-annual reports (for Council review at Mid-Year and Annual Council Meetings) to include a plan of work to be presented at mid-year and the status of that plan at the annual meeting.

Chair:  Chunhui Xiang

Chair-Elect:  Barbara Trippeer

Members:  Victoria Brown, Bolanle Dahunsi, Amy Nichols, Mamta Saharan, Helen X Trejo

Graduate Education Standards Committee

Provides intellectual leadership for education and scholarship goals in textiles, apparel and

merchandising programs, as well as creating/communicating the clear role of graduate education in the field. The committee reports to the Vice President of Education.

Chair:  Kittichai (Tu) Watchravesringkan

Members:  Lorynn Divita, Ann Marie Fiore, Da id Loranger, Ling Zhang

Graduate Student Liaison

Elected 1st or 2nd year doctoral student at the time of election, who serves as the graduate student’s voice to Council. The liaison maintains and monitors graduate student communications, events, elections, and records. The liaison proposes special topic sessions and newsletter articles to address emerging issues. The liaison prepares bi-annual reports (for Council review at Mid-Year and Annual Council Meetings) to include a plan of work to be presented at mid-year and the status of that plan at the annual conference meeting. The liaison also serves on the Digital Marketing and Communication Committee and is chair of the Graduate Student Digital Marketing and Communication Sub-Committee.

Chair:  Hye Seung Jeong

Teaching Innovation and Resources Committee

Oversees the review of innovative teaching activities and fosters programmatic attempts to enhance the development and sharing of innovative teaching resources. The committee reports to the Vice President of Education. The committee proposes special topic sessions and newsletter articles to address emerging issues. The committee prepares bi-annual reports (for Council review at Mid-Year and Annual Council Meetings) to include a plan of work to be presented at mid-year and the status of that plan at the annual meeting.

Chair:  Doreen Chung

Members:   Fatma Baytar, Josephine Bolaji, Priscilla Gitimu, Kyuree Kim, Caroline Kobia, Angie Lee, HeaJoo (Yvonne) Lee, Sharron Lennon, Jane Opiri, Eonyou Shin, Leigh Southward

Philosophical Mission Committee

Fosters attention to intellectual and philosophical issues, including attention to the diverse standpoints of ITAA members and textiles and apparel scholars, the interests of diverse stakeholders, and diverse ways of conducting scholarship. The committee prepares bi-annual reports (for Council review at Mid-Year and Annual Council Meetings) on the status of committee work. The committee proposes special topic sessions to address emerging issues.

Chair:  Kelsie Doty

Chair-Elect:  Dyese Matthews

Members:  Kate Greder, Katie Baker Jones, Changhyun (Lyon) Nam, Paige Tomfohrde, Reannan Boisvert


The Vice President of Professional Development is responsible for providing leadership to the

Workshops and Seminars, and Administrative Leadership committees. They also sit on the Bylaws Committee. This position should focus on activities that benefit members and generate revenue.

Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups may be formed for specific work. They can create customized engagement, and remain under the ITAA umbrella. They need to be approved by Council via writing a proposal to and submitting to the Vice President of Professional Development.  Members of special interest groups must hold membership in ITAA in one of the approved membership categories and pay annual dues.



Professional Development Seminars Committee

The Professional Development Seminars Committee is a standing committee within ITAA responsible for regularly organizing and coordinating seminars outside of the Annual Conference. The committee's primary goal is to provide professional development opportunities for members of the organization, including professional, graduate and undergraduate members.



Membership Committee

Provides services to members and seeks new members to join the organization. The Membership Committee also organizes and hosts the First-Time Attendees session at the annual conference. ITAA Council is expected to attend this event as well. ITAA strives to place a committee that represents diversity of membership groups (e.g. 2-year colleges, 4-year colleges, teaching institutions, research institutions, graduate students, etc.).




The Vice President of Publications is responsible for providing leadership over the various publications provided by ITAA, including Clothing and Textiles Research Journal (CTRJ), Monographs, Special Publications, and Abstract Proceedings, and to the CTRJ Editorial Group, the Publications Policies Committee and Digital Marketing and Communications committees.

Publications Policies Committee

Composed of members who represent experience on one or more of the ITAA publications. The Vice President of Publications serves as chair. Duties of the committee are to set policies for ITAA publications (CTRJ, Monographs, Special Publications, Proceedings), and to advise the Council on procedures, policies, and other matters on publications.



Clothing and Textiles Research Journal Editor Groups

Under the guidance of and consulting the Vice-President of Publications as needed on policy matters, the Editor-in-Chief directly manages the review process for 90% of CTRJ submissions and Deputy Editor manages 10%.  Associate Editors work directly with the Editor in Chief to accomplish the double-blind review process. Subject matter areas are Apparel Science and Technology; Consumer Behavior; Design; Education and Pedagogy; History and Culture; Merchandising and Retailing; Social Psychology; Textile and Apparel Industry; and Textile Science.

Editor in Chief

Deputy Editor:  Nancy Nelson Hodges

Associate Editors:

Editorial Board:

Digital Marketing and Communications Committee (DMCC)

The Digital Marketing and Communications Committee disseminates the official news and information of ITAA to the membership and beyond through social media. The committee also advises the Vice President of Publications and ITAA Executive Director on website appearance, organization and content. The DMCC also has a sub-committee, “Graduate Student Digital Marketing and Communications Sub-Committee”. The Graduate Student Liaison chairs this sub-committee, and two additional graduate student members also serve as sub-committee members. The sub-committee chair reports to the DMCC chair.



Graduate Student Digital Marketing and Communications Sub-Committee

The graduate student Instagram account disseminates the official news and information of International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) to the graduate student membership through the Instagram platform. The account seeks to provide networking opportunities and discussion between ITAA graduate student members and the ITAA members in general. It also aims to give resources to ITAA graduate student members and keep them engaged within the membership community.




The Vice President of Scholarship is responsible for a diverse representation of quality scholarship within ITAA’s annual meeting and leadership to the design, abstract, paper, and curatorial review committees, and the design education and scholarship committee.

Conference Abstract and Paper Review Committee

Coordinates the review and acceptance of all intellectual activities associated with the evaluation of research, teaching, and concept abstracts for the annual ITAA conference and with identifying current issues and concerns of ITAA members regarding the submission of teaching and research abstracts. In consultation with the Vice President of Scholarship, the committee co-chairs are responsible for appointing track chairs to oversee the review process and overseeing selection of individuals to serve as reviewers.

Co-Chairs: Seung-Hee Lee and HJ Cho

Chairs of Tracks: Victoria Brown, Michelle Burton, Amanda Thompson, Su Kyung An, Jinhee Nam, Jooyoung Shin, Jennifer Johnson Jorgensen, Ran Huang, Lauren Kim, Kerri McBee-Black, Jewon Lyu, Holly Mosher, Nimet Degirmencioglu, Amrut Sadacher, Yuli Liang, Laura McAndrews, Saheli Goswami, Meredith McQuerry, Rui-Rui Zhang

Curatorial Exhibition Scholarship Review Committee

The Curatorial Scholarship Exhibition Review Committee coordinates the review and acceptance of all intellectual activities associated with the evaluation of curatorial exhibition scholarship for the annual ITAA meeting. The committee is also charged with identifying current issues and concerns of ITAA members regarding the submission of curatorial exhibition scholarship. This committee is responsible for overseeing the review process and selection of individuals to serve as reviewers.

Chairs:  Denise Green; Chair-Elect: Dina Smith-Glaviana

Members: Jeremy Bernardoni, Marilyn DeLong, Arlesa Shephard, Kelly L. Reddy-Best, Katie Baker Jones, Mary Alice Casto, Lynda Xepoleas, Sonya Meyer, Astrid Vidalon, Kat Roberts, Dennita Sewell, Sara Idacavage, Dyese Matthews, Eulanda Sanders, Susan B. Kaiser, Jenny Leigh DuPuis, Kate Annett Hitchcock, Sara Idacavage, Kate Greder, Kelly Cobb, Belinda Orzada, Paula Alaszkiewicz

Design Education and Scholarship Committee

The Design Education and Scholarship Committee serves at the forefront of defining design as an academic discipline: design research undertaken and presented should be retrievable, contextualized, and contribute to knowledge in the field. The committee has the bar set high for fashion design research/scholarship, and will help to define it for graduate and undergraduate students. Our mission is to develop, manage, and promote educational opportunities specific to members’ interests and desires. The committee proposes special topic sessions and newsletter articles to address emerging issues. The committee prepares bi-annual reports (for Council review at Mid-Year and Annual Council Meetings) to include a plan of work to be presented at mid-year meeting and the status of that plan at the annual meeting.

Co-Chairs:  Colleen Moretz and Chanjuan Chen

Members: Kelly Cobb, Diane Sparks, Casey Stannard, Linda Ohrn McDaniel, Kendra Lapolla, Brianna Plummer, Laura Ihane, Kristen Morris, Charles Freeman, Ashley Rougeaux-Burnes, Barb Frazier, Belinda Orzada, Sarina Sun, Sandra Starkey,d Mary Ruppert-Stroescu, Linsey Griffin, Jean Pars, Michael Mamp, YounJoo Lee, Chan Hwang, Sheri Dragoo, Chanmi Hwang, Gwendolyn Michel, Ellen McKinney

Design Review Committee

Coordinates the evaluation of visual works as it relates to textiles and apparel including the review of all design abstract submissions for the annual design competition. The co-chairs of the committee prepare bi-annual reports (for Council review at Mid-Year and Annual Council Meetings) on the status of the committee work.

Chair:  Ashley Rougeaux-Burnes; Co-Chair:  Krissi Riewe; Co-Chair Elect:  Kendra Lapolla

Members:  Rachel Anderson, Melanie Carrico, Sun Young Choi, Mercan Derafshi, Denise Nicole Green, Adriana Gorea, Jennifer Harmon, Sumin Helen Koo, ShuHwa Lin, Michael Mamp, Mary Ruppert-Stroescu, Mary Simpson, Casey Stannard, Bingyue Wei, Janet A Blood, May Chae, Kelly Cobb, Sherri Dragoo, Christy Frederick, Ashley Kim, Yoon Kyung Lee, Heajoo Lee, Kerri McBee-Black, Colleen Moretz, Kelly Reddy-Best, Cheyenne Staib, Casey Stannard, Leigh Southward, Sibei Xia, Sha'Mira Covington, Fatimah Hakeen, Danielle Martin, Kelsie Doty, Wijdan Tawfig, Bolanie Dahunsi, Bert Marckwardt, Mitch Frank, Gina Pisut, Barbara Trippeer, Jongeun Rhee, Shannon North, Kayna Hobbs-Murphy, Zoran Dobric

Industry Reviewers:  Josana Blue, Marilyn DeLong, Liz Enoch, Cindy Fidler, Susan J Geiger, Morgan Jefferson, Maiad Loesche, Raegan McGuire, Sharon Pate, Connor Serger, Mayra Yanez, Lunden Young, Fangfang Zhang

Student Best Paper Review Committee

This committee determines the Student Best Paper awards at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Chair:  Jung-Hwang Kim

Members:  Michelle Tong, Minjeong Kim, Diana E. Saiki, Kim Y. Hiller, Young-A lee, Sonali Diddi, Ali Howell, Sara Jablon-Roberts, Eunjoo Cho, Juyeon Park, Jihyun (J.) Kim, Haesun Park-Poaps, Yuli Lian, Yoo-Kyoung Seock, Jin Su, Sumit Mandal, Michelle Lynn Childs

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