Contact Info

2221 Gates Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32312


Executive Director, Sherry Schofield, Ph


Call for Submissions


Submit through the Submission Site by April 1:

Online Submission Site Opens March 1

Faculty Endorsement - complete and upload with submission


The student best paper competition is divided into three categories: undergraduate, master’s and doctoral. A first and second place award may be given in each category. First place winners will receive $500 toward travel and hotel costs to attend the annual meeting and present their papers. Conference registration fees will be waived for the first and second place winners. The student must register for the conference by September 15, of each year, allowing the conference organizing committee adequate time to prepare the conference program.


The award-winning full papers must be orally presented at the annual meeting by the student winners and the proceedings papers will be published in the ITAA Proceedings (if uploaded by the author).



Students must be currently enrolled in a textiles, apparel, merchandising, or related undergraduate or graduate program or have earned a degree from such a program within the past 12 months at the time of submission.

  • The level for review (Graduate-Doctoral, Graduate-Masters, or Undergraduate) should match the level of the submitter when research was conducted, not the level of the submitter at the time of submission.
  • Students must be members of ITAA to be considered and must be ITAA members at the time of the annual meeting. The faculty member supervising the research is to be entered as faculty sponsor. The faculty member is not to be listed as an author and the submission must not be made under the faculty sponsor’s name and email address.
  • Papers will be disqualified if submitted by a faculty member and/or if they do not meet all requirements specified in this call.
  • Writing of papers must be done by the student author.



Students may choose to submit the following types of papers:

  • Research Papers: Original research papers. Appropriate submissions include research studies and scholarship from diverse theoretical positions.
  • Teaching Papers: Original papers on creative teaching, curriculum strategies, and best practices.
  • Concept Papers: Original concept papers. Appropriate submissions include (1) position papers, (2) best practices, (3) philosophies, or (4) related issues that require action, or knowledge sharing at the interfaces of research, policy and practice. It may express an opinion on an emerging issue which may be controversial, impacts the public, or represents a professional need. It is supported by analysis and synthesis of current facts, data and research literature, and proposes future directions.

For all three types of papers, you must include a literature review with a substantive critique of, appropriate analysis of, synthesis of, or response to the literature/ concepts to be considered for the Student Best Paper Competition.


Research must be completed at time of submission. Papers should not have been published or reported at any national or regional conference prior to the ITAA Annual Meeting.



Only the entrant who submitted the work will receive the notification emails; it is the responsibility of the submitting author to notify faculty sponsor.


Prepare the following TWO files before submitting:


  • Prepare your full paper for review. Papers must use American Psychological Association (APA) or Chicago style. The paper should be in English and use Times New Roman, font size 12 for all text, including titles. The narrative portion of the paper can be up to 20 double-spaced pages in length; the full paper, including the 150-word abstract, graphics, and references, can be up to 30 pages. The abstract page (single spaced, maximum 150 words) should Include the title, but no identifying information about authors, professional affiliations, or geographic location on any of the pages. Graphics and tables should be incorporated within the body of the article in the appropriate place(s).

  • Save the final version to be submitted as a pdf file using the following naming protocol: Student Best Paper (SBP)-Abbreviated Title-Research (RES), Teaching (TEA), or Concept (CON).pdf. For example, a research paper on consumer brand loyalty by Jane Smith would be named as follows: SBP- Consumer Brand Loyalty-RES.pdf. Do not include the last name of the author in the file name.

  • Prepare Faculty Endorsement Document. Download the Faculty Endorsement document from the ITAA submission website. Complete the form and save in pdf format using the following naming protocol: FacultyEndorse_Last Name of Submitter.pdf




Please follow these procedures for online submission:

  • Start by entering the FULL TITLE of your submission, 30 words maximum, Title Case. You can copy and paste or enter directly. This is how it will appear in the final conference program and in the Conference Proceedings.

  • Enter author information and affiliation.

  • Confirm that if chosen you will register to attend and present the paper at the Conference.

  • Upload your finished full paper following the preparation instructions above. 

  • Click SUBMIT. You will receive an email confirmation of submission being received.


Full papers will undergo blind review by ITAA faculty members from other institutions. Criteria for the evaluation of papers will follow CTRJ guidelines and will include: (1) quality of foundation; (2) quality of method; (3) quality of content; (4) quality of presentation; (5) quality of contribution; and (6) overall quality of paper.



By submitting a paper, you are agreeing to attend the conference to present a 15- minute oral presentation should your paper be selected as a winner. Papers will be assigned to a session with a presider. The presider will supply the laptop computer for your presentation. The presider will be in touch via email within a week or two before the conference with instructions to obtain a copy of the presentation materials.



Authors will be notified electronically of the outcome of the review at the email address supplied by the submitter, and, if the paper is the winner, will be notified of the pertinent information about registration for and presentation at the ITAA meeting.



Contact Sherry Schofield, Executive Director at or the current VP of Education, Hye-Shin Kim at

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