2221 Gates Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32312
Executive Director, Sherry Schofield, Ph
2017 - Online Learning
1st Place - Kendra Lapolla and Chanjuan Chen. Style Studies: Fashioning a Blogger in Collaborative Design Challenge
3rd Place - Barbara L. Stewart. Visual Merchandising: A Reflective Practice Approach
2016 - Social Media
1st Place - So Young Song and Michelle L. Childs. Social Media in International Retailing: Developing an Effective Fashion Marketing Campaign for Global Expansion
2nd Place - Trina Gannon, Beth Backes, Julie Hillery, Halimat Ipaye, and Ann Paulins. Enhancing your Career Search by Developing your Personal Brand through Social Media
3rd Place - Meredith McQuerry. PINTEREST: The Fashionista's Study Tool
2015 - The Flipped Classroom
1st Place - Cosette Armstrong, Flipping for Visual Merchandising
2nd Place - Amber Chatelain, Brand Marketing
3rd Place - Kerri McBee-Black and Saheli Goswami, Science of Textiles
2014 - The Ladies' Paradise
1st Place - Janet Blood, Period Department Store Group Project
2nd Place - Linda Welters, The Ladies' Paradise: A Study of Nineteenth Century "Ready Mades"