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2221 Gates Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32312


Executive Director, Sherry Schofield, Ph

Call for Proposals for Special Topic Sessions

Submit through the Special Topic Proposal form below by February 1


Proposals are invited from current ITAA members. Individuals may submit no more than one proposal as Session Coordinator. No more than six presenters may be listed on a Special Topic. The Coordinator is responsible for assuring that all presenters register for the meeting. Proposals are also invited from our resource vendors (current ITAA membership required). Vendor proposals must be generic and not product/service-specific. 


Special Topic Sessions held during the annual conference may include presentations, panels, small group discussions, or any other program which may be of interest to members. Special Topic Sessions occur within the regular meeting schedule and should address broad issues and encourage dialogue and audience participation.


Special Topic Sessions can be up to 75 minutes in length. Some sessions may be concurrent. Proposed sessions cannot exceed this time allotment. Proposed sessions should not require special facilities other than a meeting room. A LCD projector and screen will be provided to the Session Coordinator. Maximum number of attendees for each Special Topic Session will be based upon available facilities. There will be no reimbursement for expenses, fees, nor registration waivers provided for presenters. All benefits to outside speakers must be specified in this proposal. All presenters must attend the conference and pay the conference registration fee.


Each entry requires 1 file. Name the file so you will recognize it; perhaps an abbreviation of the title of your entry. Be prepared to upload the file when the Online Submission Program asks for it. Please save files as MSWord or PDF.


Proposal File: should be no more than 2 single-spaced pages. Names of presenters and moderators must be confirmed prior to submission. Create a unique file for each proposal. Each proposal should include:


A.              Name, address, email address, affiliation, and daytime phone number of coordinator

B.              Title of session

C.              Type of session (panel, speaker, etc.)

D.              Source of submission (individual, group, ITAA committee, etc.)

E.               General content of session and names of presenters

F.               Benefit of session to members


Proposals must be submitted online by February 1. Directions for the online submission process will be available on the ITAA website – including how to enter information for the conference program and confirming copyright release.


Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria: (1) Benefit of the session to ITAA members, (2) Relationship of the session to the theme of the conference, (3) Uniqueness and innovativeness, and (4) Quality of the proposal.


Session Coordinator will receive confirmation of receipt of the proposal when submission has been completed. The ITAA Council will review Special Topic Session proposals. By March 15, the Session Coordinator will be notified of outcome, so that you may resubmit under the general call if not accepted for a special topic. Directions for copy (6 page maximum) for the ITAA Proceedings will be posted at for Jay Yoo, VP of Scholarship

Special Topic Proposal

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