2221 Gates Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32312
Executive Director, Sherry Schofield, Ph
Monograph 1 - History of the Association of College Professors of Textiles And Clothing: Central Region
Monograph 2 - Computer Applications in Textiles and Clothing
Monograph 3 - Global Perspectives Modules for Textiles and Clothing Curriculum and Research
Monograph 4 - Critical Linkages in Textiles and Clothing Subject Matter: Theory, Method and Practice
Monograph 5 - Social Science Aspects of Dress: New Directions
Monograph 6 - Bibliography of Theses and Dissertations on Ethnic Textiles and Dress
Monograph 7 - Aesthetics of Textiles and Clothing: Advancing Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives
Monograph 8 - Computer Applications to Textiles and Apparel
Monograph 9 - Softgoods to the World
Monograph 10 - Historic Textile and Costume Collections in the Academic Setting
Monograph 11 - Envisioning Textile and Apparel Research and Education for the 21st Century

The purpose of a monograph is to disseminate information that is of a length or nature not appropriate to the existing publications (CTRJ, Newsletter, Proceedings). Monographs could include proceedings of workshops, curriculum materials, annotated bibliographies, and reports from committees that are of interest to the entire membership.
Individual members, groups of members, or an ITAA committee may submit proposals to the Vice President of Publications. The Publications Policy Committee will review the proposal and provide a recommendation to the VP of Publications. The VP of Publications will make the final decision. Proposals will include the following:
The ITAA Special Publications and Monographs will be made available by PDF from the ITAA website. A common cover design will be used for the monographs. The Executive Director serves as manager for monographs.
The Future of Luxury. ITAA Monograph #12, 2018 (1.3MB)
Part I. Product Devlopment in MIcroenterprises and Small Businesses
Part II. Trade Issues in Developing and Transitional Economies
Part III. Distribution Channels n Developed Countries
Part IV. Pedagogical Strategies, p. 93
Aesthetics of Textiles and Clothing: Advancing Multi-Disciplinary Perspectives. Marilyn Revell DeLong & Ann Marie Fiore (eds.) ITAA Special Publication. #7, 1994, part 1 (7 MB)
Global Perspectives Modules for Textiles and Clothing Curriculum and Research. Judith C. Forney and Nancy J. Rabolt (eds.) ACPTC Special Publication. #3, 1990, part 2 (700 KB)