Contact Info

2221 Gates Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32312


Executive Director, Sherry Schofield, Ph

Call for Proposals for Conference Workshops

Submit your proposal through the Workshop Proposal Form below by February 1


Proposals are invited from current ITAA members. Coordinator must be a member. Proposals are also invited from our resource vendors, and may include product/service specific content (current ITAA membership required). 


Workshops held at the beginning and close of the annual conference; may include presentations, panels, group discussions, invited speakers, or any other program which may be of interest to members.


Workshops may be ½ to 1½ days. Any special facilities or equipment are the responsibility of the workshop coordinator. Number of attendees can be specified. At a minimum, workshops must be revenue-neutral to ITAA; you may require a registration fee to cover registration, audiovisual, meeting room, and other costs such as lunch (if provided) and internet access. The fee will be collected at time of registration for the annual conference. Money left over from fees will go towards defraying the cost of the conference. 

Each entry requires 1 file. Name the file so you will recognize it; perhaps an abbreviation of the title of your proposal. Be prepared to upload the file when the Online Submission Program asks for it. Please save file as MSWord or PDF.


Proposal File: should be no more than 2 single-spaced pages. Names of presenters and moderators must be confirmed prior to submission. Create a unique file for each proposal.  Each proposal should include:


--Name, address, email address, affiliation, and daytime phone number of coordinator

--Title of session

--Type of workshop (panel, speaker, etc.)

--Length of workshop

--Source of submission (individual, group, ITAA committee, etc.)

--General content of workshop and names of presenters

--Benefit of workshop to members

--Time frame of workshop organization (if call for participants is required)

--Minimum and/or maximum number of attendees

--Detailed budget for the workshop. ITAA provides meeting room and possibility of borrowing an LCD projector only. The itemized budget must include all other costs, including a minimum service fee of $10 per participant, screen rental, other equipment, beverage break, and speaker fees if applicable. Submitters should contact the conference chair prior to preparing budgets to secure hotel costs for refreshments, request use of an LCD projector, and to gain approval for speaker fees etc.

--Whether you are also submitting this proposal for a regular research / teaching presentation


Only the entrant who submitted the proposal will receive the notification emails; it is the responsibility of the submitting author to notify other authors. 


Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria: (1) Benefit of the session to ITAA members, (2) Relationship of the session to the theme of the conference, (3) Uniqueness and innovativeness, and (4) Quality of the proposal.


Workshop Coordinator will receive confirmation of receipt of the proposal when the submission has been received. The ITAA Council will review proposals. By March 15, the Workshop Coordinator will be notified of outcome. Guidelines for preparation of a paper on the workshop to be included sin the Conference Proceedings (4 page maximum).

For questions, contact Jay Yoo, the VP of Scholarship,

Workshop Proposals

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