2221 Gates Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32312
Executive Director, Sherry Schofield, Ph
As a presenter at the ITAA 2024 Conference, you have the opportunity to submit your abstracts for inclusion in the Digital Proceedings. Submissions for conference proceedings are accepted December 1 through December 31, 2024. No late submissions will be accepted. (No submissions from previous years will be accepted.)
To submit your proceedings, follow the instructions below. Submissions that do not follow these requirements exactly will not be published.
1) Log in/Register: Visit and log in or register for an account with the Iowa State University Digital Press. Please update your author information as necessary. Please enter author information using an English keyboard, with first letter of each name capitalized, all other letters lower case.
2) Metadata: Enter metadata requested about your paper using the online submission form. Note: The abstract requested on the online form is a short preview abstract of 150 words or less. Do NOT enter your entire abstract/proceedings here. To avoid formatting errors, DO NOT COPY and paste your preview abstract from Word. Either retype the preview abstract in the box OR copy and paste from Word into a plain text editor (Notepad) and copy again from Notepad prior to pasting in the online box. It may appear normal to you at submission, but when opened by administrators, it is not correct. If there are errors in the metadata, your proceedings will be rejected.
3) Proceedings Template: Your proceedings file must be submitted using the 2024 Conference Proceedings Template, also available in Useful Resources. The proceedings should be Times New Roman, font size 12, single-space for all text, including titles. The title should be centered on the top of the page, using Title Case, bold font, 30 word maximum. Remember to add name and affiliation of each author and keywords. Document is limited in length. No matter what category you submitted in (designs, RTC, Salon Session, Nancy Rutherford Teaching, etc.) the document is limited to 3 pages of text, one page of references, and one page of images/graphs/tables. By limiting the number of pages, it will allow you to advance your work to an article submission if you prefer. References should use either APA or Chicago style. The paper must be a finished copy and show no editing marks. Make sure there are no additional pages beyond the image page.
4) Upload Proceedings: Once you have completed your proceedings, save as a PDF file. Upload your proceedings under Manuscript File. Click Save and Continue.
5) Review and Submit: Review the information provided. If all information is correct, click Complete Submission.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask the Executive Director at