2221 Gates Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32312
Executive Director, Sherry Schofield, Ph
The ITAA Distinguished Scholar is awarded to a current member of ITAA who as attained professional recognition and conduct in terms of continuous and valuable contributions to scholarship in the field and substantial scholarly contributions to the field as evidenced by any or a combination of research, theory, teaching pedagogy, publications, creative endeavors, and/or work promoting public policy.
The nominee must be willing, if selected, to address the organization at the upcoming Annual Conference, summarizing the major scholarly themes within his/her field of expertise, presenting his/her contributions to the field and projecting directions for the future. The recipient will receive a waiver of conference registration by ITAA and a check for $1,500.00.
Both the nomination and the application packet prepared by the nominee must be submitted through the online submission site by February 1. The nominator is responsible for contacting the nominee and soliciting from him/her the items required for the application. The nomination and application materials must contain the following information:
Compile files into one folder. Name the folder, “Distinguished Scholar-Nominee’s Name”. Compress folder into a zip file and be prepared to upload the zip file during the online submission process. Deadline for submissions is February 1. Online submission site opens January 6.
Criteria for evaluating nominees include:
· Continuous and valuable contributions to scholarship in the field
· Substantial scholarly contributions to the field as evidenced by any or a combination of research, theory, teaching pedagogy, publications, creative endeavors, and/or work promoting public policy.
Selection Procedure: The VP of Operations will distribute the materials among the Faculty Fellowship and Awards Committee; at least one ITAA Fellow will serve on the review committee. Recommendations from the committee, including a summary of the criteria from which the recommendations were drawn, will be forwarded to the Vice-President for Operations who will present the nominations(s) to the Executive Council for a 2/3 majority vote and final selection.