Contact Info

2221 Gates Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32312


Executive Director, Sherry Schofield, Ph


The ITAA Rising Star Award is intended to recognize faculty who teach, research (either written or creative), and conduct service in the area of Textiles and Apparel.  This award is intended for junior faculty members who are untenured in a tenure-track faculty position. Candidates must demonstrate excellence in teaching, research/scholarly work, outreach/engagement and service that is commensurate with his/her faculty appointment.


The candidate must be a member of ITAA and should demonstrate an active role in the organization at the junior level. Participation and leadership in ITAA, dedication to ITAA, and professional leadership at the campus, community, regional, and national levels should be demonstrated.


Self-nominations and nominations from other ITAA members are welcome. In addition, professionals who are not ITAA members (such as department chairs and deans) may nominate candidates.

The following nomination materials are required and must be submitted through the online submission site by February 1.   

  1. An information sheet that includes: nominator’s name, address, telephone number, and Email address; nominee’s name address, telephone number, and Email address; Email address of the University Communications/Marketing division affiliated with the nominee; and 200 word description of nominee’s accomplishments suitable for a “press release”.
  2. Letter of nomination.
  3. Minimum of five (5) letters of support from other ITAA members. Letters should specify reasons for the nomination (contributions and/or service) and highlight the significant and exceptional early career achievements of the nominee. No more than one letter of support can be from former graduate advisees of the nominee. (Nominator should retain original copies of the support letters. Support letters will be compiled into presentation packets for the Rising Star awardee.)
  4. Current curriculum vita of nominee. The vita should be well organized with documented evidence for such activities as scholarship contributions (refereed or juried works, grants), teaching/advising innovations and excellence; pertinent professional development; and service, leadership and participation in ITAA and other organizations.
  5. Photo of nominee (minimum 300 dpi). 

Compile files into one folder. Name the folder, “Rising Star-Nominee’s Name”. Compress folder into a zip file and be prepared to upload the zip file during the online submission process. Deadline for submissions is February 1. Online submission site opens January 6.


Criteria for evaluating nominees include:

·        Documented evidence for such activities as scholarship contributions (refereed or juried works, grants)

·        Teaching/advising innovations and excellence

·        Pertinent professional development

·        Service, leadership and participation in ITAA and other organizations.


Selection Procedure: The VP of Operations will distribute the materials among the Faculty Fellowship and Awards Committee; at least one ITAA Fellow will serve on the review committee. Recommendations from the committee, including a summary of the criteria from which the recommendations were drawn, will be forwarded to the Vice-President for Operations who will present the nominations(s) to the Executive Council for a 2/3 majority vote and final selection.


Rising Star Recognition Upon Council approval of the nomination(s), the VP of Operations will notify the nominee. Receipt of materials grants permission to use the materials for publicity and retention in the ITAA archives. ITAA Rising Star recipients are encouraged to attend the ITAA Annual Conference to be recognized and to receive the award. The award recipient will receive conference registration fee waiver, a trophy, and an opportunity to share their appreciation for receiving the award through the ITAA newsletter.

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